Two Convenient Locations to choose from in Hammond, LA:
2101 Demarco Boulevard and 43216 South Holly Street
Discover the reasons to choose Hammond Lock Storage for all your storage needs:
Dedicated Customer Service:
At Hammond Lock Storage, we prioritize customer service and value your patronage. Our commitment to exceptional value ensures that we never forget who keeps us in business you.
Hassle-Free Online Booking and Payments:
Experience the convenience of our user-friendly online software, designed to provide you with a seamless and stress-free storage experience. Easily book your unit and make payments from the comfort of your own space.
Convenience and Security Combined:
Rest assured with our great customer service, digital video surveillance, and online bill pay, making it simple to manage your stored belongings. With a variety of unit sizes available and drive-up access, accessing your items is always hassle-free. Our gated facility adds an extra layer of security, ensuring your peace of mind.
Supplies for Your Needs:
We go the extra mile to provide boxes and supplies to facilitate your packing and storing process, making it a friendly and engaging experience for you.
Engaged Management:
Our dedicated management team is always ready to assist you, ensuring that you are provided with a clean and ready-to-rent unit, and helpful employees are here to address any queries or concerns you may have.
Your Security Matters:
We take the security of your property seriously. Our SSL secure website protects your personal information, giving you added confidence when storing with us.
Choose Hammond Lock Storage and experience the convenience, security, and outstanding customer service that we promise to deliver to each and every one of our valued customers.