Due to high demand we can only guarantee rates and availability for 2 days, though we will do everything possible to honor all reservations (availability permitting). Please book your unit within 2 days of your storage need.
Storage Court of Bellingham's Self Storage facility is here to help you with all of your storage needs. We understand that your possessions are highly valued, which is why we are pleased to offer our commercial and residential customers state-of-the-art storage security at some of the lowest storage rates.
Some additional features at our Storage Court of Bellingham facility include:
State of the Art Security
Computerized Entry Systems
Packing and Moving Supplies
Low, Competitive Rates
Open 7 Days a Week
Month to Month Rentals
Keypad Entry to the Interior Units
Proof of property insurance is required at the time the rental agreement is signed. For your convenience property insurance can be purchased at the facility.